Let us come together to bathe in the new higher frequencies!
Living Shaman with Lira is inviting all to a Sacred Circle in NYC on Friday, Oct. 7; 7:00 PM. After co-creating activation work at the Bermuda Triangle, new energies and information will be shared. These tonal, channeled, and energetic frequencies may assist each one to be available to release unconscious negative programs of separation. Raising our vibration is essential to creating a life affirming destiny at these challenging times.
Event: Sacred Circle for Beautiful Souls Coming Together
Place: Christine Lauterbach; 2053 Frederick Douglas Blvd (8th Ave). #2D.
Take B C train to 110 St.
Date/Time: Friday, Oct. 7; 7:00 PM
Exchange/sliding scale: $25-$45
RSVP: Lira 951 765-7507 ; Christine (Host) 917 280-0703
Please pass on to friends to share the work of awakening. Thank you!
Blessings and see you soon,