Return from Mexico

The communion and giveaway to Mt.Popocatepetl, Mexico was successful and expansive. To witness as well as participate in the mountain’s ascension was a breathtaking event and gift. He stands now, a beacon of light, with his consort mountain “sleeping woman” by his side. I see his intent-filled vision beamed toward Israel. This work was facilitated by three courageous and honoring women who clearly realized more of the universe (God) within themselves. On this shamanic quest, linkage between earth and human in sacred prayer, addressed the mountain’s request instead of human needs. It is an ascending consciousness when a full circle is realized and we are given and shown so much more by the Universe offering more than local needs. We often impose and project our needs and even celebrations onto “other” before even looking into the nature of “other” in our relationships. We so often forget to inquire into the nature and request of other before reacting or responding. Our projections are dull and dead past. Our inquiry is mysterious, fresh, alive, now!!
Awareness and feeling prayer at the request of Great Spirit and in alignment with Great Mystery can “move mountains” for creation instead of destruction. As a human family, our creativity is a vital respondable activity to shift us individually and as a species on Mother Earth from a self destructive path. As we deepen into the wisdom that there is no security in life/nature, there is only security in the moment with connectivity; we can then begin to work with Nature/Existence instead of against it. Clearly as a planet our challenges are increasing. Issues of resources, governments, and health may be the front burners that will expose security and sovereignty wisdom that can only be realized from a heart space with creation. Old and linear ways and solutions will no longer work. Only a self transformation with a multidimensional attunement can bring about new solutions and resolutions in the mode of quantum accessibility. For such potential, we also need to work at raising our vibration and enhance/secure our connectivity to matrix as 2011 resounds its pitch...eternal.
Ah. Initiation work is and always has been the pyramidal stepping process to attain consciousness/Light in a balanced mind, body, soul. Transformational energies are stepped up or down according to individual conscious awareness. Skipping steps and/or doing nothing at this point in our Earth Play can have great consequences. Let us be wise and attentive to know our center...of resource and eternal calm; that is, our Witness.
Important note of change in Sacred 11/11 Gateway Journey to Egypt.
The journey to Egypt is one for high initiations. Due to multidimensional dynamics human and otherwise the journey has been rescheduled for 11/11/2007. I will share details of this most extraordinary journey in days to come. Please place this in the calender of your heart and alter of awareness.This will be a once in a lifetime experience.
I will be in upstate NY in Oct. and NYC in end of Oct. early Nov. I will present work, dates, and places when it unfolds. As mentioned above, my focus will be initiation, stepping the energy up or down as need be for self transformation. I am available for phone sessions now as I am back in the states. I recommend we work this way to enhance your growth prior to my visit and limited time in NY.
I am interested in your creative endeavours and insights. Let us come together and share presence.
In loving service and peace,
Li and ra