Summer Solstice Ceremony, Tues. Jun.21, 2011
Summer Solstice Ceremony, Tues. Jun.21, Santa Fe Soul Center (,8:15 PM.
How are you being after a New Moon/Solar Eclipse (Jun.1), Full Moon/total Lunar Eclipse (Jun. 15) and now building to a Solstice activation like no other in our histories! We have been experiencing "overlays" for some months of dimensional proportions. This has been expanding our energy fields of consciousness to realize, experiment and explore even more ourselves as Consciousness. We are in "moments" remembering our multidimensional connections with aspects past/future. Our memories of our stories and beliefs may tend to fall away creating space for re-member-ances of divine soul expressions. Consciousness is changing how we "see" ourselves, relate and manipulate with and in (all) forms. It may feel as if we are coming unglued and free falling, as we expand and embody even more multidimensional holographic inserts. Consciousness is changing not only our bodies (matter) via crystalline earth grid and cosmic light dance; it is also exposing our communications and honesty to ALL. Any "one way" relationships, be it with another person or our environment will be "called on the carpet" and exposed as OUT OF BALANCE. Our landscapes to navigate are becoming quite colorful in uncertainty from loss, voids, deaths, physical/mental disorientation, beauty, rich mysteries, sacred spaces, freedom, opening new spaces and senses, hearts, minds....ho...what a journey! We are navigating unknown territory like no other or as "gods of neither person, place nor thing but rather god the experience of "no other". Welcome to this fragile, uncomfortable, sensitive, disorienting, exposing and blessed journey As ONE.
With such in mind, it is wise for us to be attentive to our own "dead wood" of old energy to be cleared, released and burned for each Phoenix to rise anew? We will also need to be in our practice of patience and discernment in order to realize the potential obstacles of societal beliefs, conditioning or the "dead wood" in our personal relationships. May we watch our reflections and teachers of cowardice and courage with honesty, tolerance, forgiveness and self love. We can be pulled down by this energy or we can use it to transform ourselves. Stillness, mystery/voids, and conscious actions will be our frictions and themes for new embodiments with directions of destiny initiating Jul 1 and thru mid July. Therefore, it is not wise to project nor suppress our anger or our love these next 2 weeks.Breathe fragmentation into solar plexus for crystallization/integration with inner light and relax into Source for security and support. For our walk on the virgin sacred grounds of Heart space is upon us after eons of separation.
If we have had the strength and courage to face our challenges during this eclipse timing, we might see the amazing grace of our mastery as Self love accepting... What might our demonstrations look like as warriors dancing on razor sharp edges, cultivating discernment and patience...every turn...twist...handstand...fall? Uncertainty keeps us sharp, alert, aware and on track. We began to feel our energy in the dark and "see" with "one eye". Something so magical and unknown is astir that it might feel anxious and and even BE debilitating. It is wise to re-member to breathe, create a sacred space and welcome this magical summer "night" of galactic underworld like a child without stories or agendas...simply wide open, heart centered, and ready to play.
This 2011 Solstice is a most important activation portal event to come together and share in prayer, ceremony, meditation and vision. A time to come together and Be Still. Our Sun at its height of Summer or depth of Winter will create a 3 day "pause" before waxing or waning in light/consciousness. This is an opportunity for All to explore zero point, stillness or unconditional LOVE. Many will be creating ceremonies around the globe. Star elders and the Eyes of the Many and One will be upon this Earth plane; also, as participants with this grand cosmic dance. Let us hold hands across the waters and the starry nights!
May we all honor each day our Sun, Sol for its great transformation to us and all planets orbiting its magnificence. Sun Salutation: Palms raised to sun. " I am One; I am with you; I am here. I am a child of the Sun. I am that I am a Being of Light...I am healthy, blessed and whole." Thank YOU.
May our celebrations be deeply felt, sacred, visionary and honored by and with All our Relations for benevolence to jump time lines to loving kindness on this Sacred Solstice. It is more than choice now. It is our demonstrations of self love as impeccability. We are going and are into... beyond the beyond. May we all welcome this Great Mystery, breathe and hold hands together as we gather confidence walking in the dark.
Journey well with sacredness, faith, and heart. May all the "dead wood" we consciously burn... blaze a Way Shower as clear & fresh as morning dew and as sharp & bright as a peaceful warrior's blade.