Emissaries of Light Bearers Message
These messages came through for this completion, new beginning and expanded mystery for this auspicious New Moon/Solar Eclipse. May you enjoy this transmission by what calls itself emissaries of Light Bearers.
Let the magic unfold!
We bid greetings to the hearts and souls of the human Beings on planet Earth. We are emissaries of Light Bearers who are in service as communicators and connectors between realms, dimensions, solar systems and galaxies. We have been called by Creator on occasion to mediate as emissaries between universes as well, although this is rare. We are what you might call "specialist" in contacting beings in the outer reaches to link with those closer to the center. Your planet and its beings have called forth for assistance and many of us continue to respond with open hearts of joy, love and appreciation; for everyone of you are precious divine souls awakening within a grand expression beyond anything that was imagined. Universal beings continue to be inspired by your play in this experiment. You are beloved and revered for your courage to participate. Light Bearers continue to answer your calls; so feel free to pick up your receiver. Please excuse our attempt at humor. What we offer is that you can call Home now and receive calls with greater availability and clarity since the 12/12/12 alignments and even more so recently with multiple activations from the end of July to this November eclipse.
The depth of intimacy in this year 2013 of your calendar, may have been experienced as inspiring and wounding. It might have been perceived as both/and forming paradoxes of power and potential with friction. It may at times feel like wounding and or re-wounding with even greater sensitivities. It is. You are journeying to the original wound of separation and suffering. We encourage you to stay intimate and open. Be courageous and recognize that distortions based on opposites, other, and the original wound are surfacing... to be looked at and let go. Keep going deeper to discover the diamond you are. Why limit yourselves to one facet or aspect of self? This is the opportune moment to be useful with and play in a multi- faceted expression. This connective energy brings much more flexibility, elasticity,liquidity and flow. It can be both treacherous and exciting, as treasures beyond anything known or remembered, begin revealing like the proverbial tips of an ice berg. You will become masters at walking on a razor's edge...alert, alive and with a smile :-). The acceleration is quite intense and dramatic from our view. Be alert and aware this month. Further, it is wise to create the space this New Moon/Solar Eclipse. It will assist your navigation through November.
Kingdoms of Earth that you may know as Fae, devic, elementals, inner earth councils and beings, to name a few, are also waking up and wanting to connect and communicate with humans and other beings on the surface of the planet. We are assisting those who want to link up now. We are here to bridge some gaps for greater communication, resonance, wholeness and permanence for your planet
Cosmic frequencies and forces will continue to bombard your planet and solar system as Creator's Light unfolds. Some frequencies come through your sun, comets, pulsars, quasars, galaxy, etc. etc. etc. of a variety of sources (most not discovered because they are not of 3rd. dimension). You are aware of many however, including CMEs, waves, rays, particles, and the like transmitting frequencies to be absorbed for en-light-ening of embodied beings. From your linear perspective, these new connections may look like they are taking time to "get to know" each other and forming groups & councils to create with the "new" information each has carried to the meetings. It is not unlike the way humans work together, when new connections and ideas present themselves. Dialogues ensue with discernment and creative flares. This is also taking place in your own cellular construct.
There are also Lightplayers who are calibrated to black holes, white holes, pulsars, quasars etc. These calibrations are linking up with each other and activating phenomenal energetics that will initially look like miracles. Yet, there is a science behind it. Much has already been reset and re calibrated for your new year One on Nova Earth. Now some amazing plays with energy initiate. Our admonishment is to not give up because things may not have played out as many wanted or envisioned. Something much deeper and more powerful is emerging. Imagine...
This New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio and with other cosmic configurations, creates depths of conscious waters for release, cleansing, baptizing, birthing, sexual/tantric/kundalini ... all in service as creator forces. Be Aware. We are not just speaking metaphorically. For example, Earth changes, especially in the ring of fire area, may erupt for earth's necessary release of energies. Our suggestion also is to explore WATER on your planet. It is much much more than most humans realize. Water planets like Earth are very special. Your human bodies are mostly water. Teachers have shown you how water holds and carries consciousness such as one called Dr. Emoto. This has only scratched the surface. Scorpion influences will guide consciousness toward a new relationship and necessary understanding of the greater nature and function of waters. Call upon the spirits of waters to guide you. Water is a sacred KEY to planetary ascension/transition. We look forward to your revelations. Remember (a hint), many of your most advanced technologies have come about from observing water beings. Water is key to your dimensional transition on this planet.
We suggest that each one of you set sail on the waters for your own discoveries, shores and treasures at this time. Be your own authentic "captains" in sovereign ships.You are explorers so why cling? You have been created to be an explorer race. It is your nature to adventure, explore new realms and communicate with other races of beings. As survival mechanisms in brain stem die off, encourage and support your freedom. Move your bodies. Be attentive to indulgences, addictions, and unnecessary risks. Dance with grace and awareness...feeling it all. BREATHE...
This New Moon/Solar eclipse hybrid is also a grand permission slip to set sail in psychic waters for new shores. The planets are aligned for your adventures and meetings with new "folks" and amazing unknown sources for manifesting what will be needed; as old systems crumble and resources may look scarce. Look again, my friends from different angles and attitudes. Spirit guides will be teaching all of you and other kingdoms tele-empathy. Consider...
Much of the energy seeding this year 2013 has been seemingly "hidden" as its import has been for deeper connections, realms, and to activate innate abilities (sleeping) within human and other beings on the planet. As the DNA/RNA strands unfold many experienced and will continue to physical clearings. These frequencies are wanting to communicate. Through the absorption process, inner core solar essence awakens in all beings and moves to the outer. That is, all change initiates from within.
These "hidden" messages and seeds of 2013 began to activate with Star of David in July, August with 8/8 gateways,lunar cycles, Sept. Equinox, and recently with Oct. lunar eclipse, Hallowmas (mid way point from Equinox and Solstice),Uranus/Pluto square and other aspects. If that were not enough, there are also powerful and potent energies/entities/cosmic bodies (that are not known yet) that will bring benevolent support for this event. So take heart, my friends, if the ground feels shaky beneath...celebrate flight, let go and soar!
Be open to "unknown self" as sun is shadowed and aligned with earth and moon. Breathe deep and allow yourselves to feel/experience/sense odd, strange, mysterious, dark, uncertain feelings and nuances. This is good. Drink deep without interpretation and judgment. This is an auspicious time to sit in the seat. When these waves or feelings move through your embodied being breathe and tone your bodies. New aspects of your Self can connect and be seeded at this New Moon/Solar eclipse that will work like fractals. We suggest you allow space/time for saturation, integration and realization. It may be sudden or over weeks. Recognize it also has powerful energy to clear away old debris, veils, dis-ease, and distortions. Thereby, you may experience a detox with low energy, headaches, muscle aches, emotions, dreams and off balance or out of sorts dynamics. We suggest to be grateful for the clearing and ride it out. Drink water consciously as the healing elixir it is. Imagine and direct it to your cells, blood, bone, and organs with intent for crystal clearing for the heart of Christos to merge and embody.
We are emissaries of Light Bearers reflecting your Light back to you. Be easy with yourselves, trust, and keep it simple. Know you are 100% supported with cosmic, crystal and new earth energies. Again... breathe and tone your bodies. Drink water with cleared programed crystals for "wider and deeper" communication and connections. Call upon us. Appreciate all that you have been, all that you are becoming and more so what you are Now as I AM. Trust your awareness, celebrate the dark waters and deep receptive spaces. Our next transmissions will be about harmonics. Thank you for receiving. A sounding light and radiant touch to you all. (tone) Ahhh...looo....hemmmm.