Omens from air, water. fire, earth
Jan 10, 2011
Let us also re-member that Atlantis is rising again with its positives and negatives playing out. It is important for us to be very attentive/alert and learn from our past. As Consciousness, we need to release Atlantis and its blueprint and create our own New Age with diamond like precision...clean, clear, sharp, alive, feeling present and multi-dimensional. (This is part of the work I have been creating with Galactic family and Mother Earth around the globe.)
I personally call in the "Two Moon Essence" when I invoke, celebrate, and dance with our Moon in order to neutralize the Elite's "beams" to Earth in its insane attempts to control weather patterns and humans. Our intimate relationships and connections with Earth and Sky beings has a greater power than those who want to control from lower density mind sets and technology without Heart. Yet, we need to Wake Up and be useful with this power of Love in the Temples of Ra; the temples of Sun, Moon, and Earth connections for our evolution. If we stay holding onto status quo and denial, I feel we will be ruled by Elite and thereby, self destruct. Jumping timelines to a comfortable and gracious world is far more preferable yet will take effort and commitment by more human beings. Each day we can ask, "How can I be of service today?" With our winged relations falling out of the skies and our beloved finned banked on the shores, it seems the "little me" might actually realize new priorities of importance?
Further,it might assist meditations with Great Spirit and Mystery to call in the Councils of Light on which your higher self sits for guidance and gifts particular to your vibration and soul's pathway. These Councils are more than ready to bring wisdom and knowledge. We need the wisdom/experience of our ancestors to navigate these very trickster as well as high energy times for amazing new creations/solutions based on caring, openness, gratitude and kindness....higher,refined frequencies. It will take All of us and our efforts. Ho!
It's the Aflockalypse: More mass animal deaths see thousands of fish found floating in Florida and 200 birds dead on Texas bridge