Santa Fe, NM
5 Sunday Afternoons
Aug. 25
Sept. 1, 8, 15 & 22 (Autumn Equinox Ceremony)
Time: 2:00 - 4:30 pm
Place: 113 Temblon. Easy location off W. Alameda a few streets past Co-op before speed sign. House on the right with magic tree.
Exchange: sliding scale $22-$44
Please RSVP if possible.
Feel free to explore one or more Circles as you wish. You do not have to commit to 5. Each Circle will have a unique energy. For example, this Sunday, Aug. 25 will be an exquisite grand sextile Merkaba to play through, uplift our Spirits and journeys into higher realms. This portends to inspire new manifestations with sacred communion!