Peru Journal Mar 3-22, 2008
By Melinda Hopkins & Michael Van Patten

The trip has been AMAZING so far. A variety of calamities up front. My flight out of NYC got delayed but I made the connection in Miami and met the two other women also on that flight. When no one met us at the Lima airport, we discovered that our guide had just broken his ribs in the jungle and they were scrambling to find us a new guide. ¨Guido¨ is fabulous. Imagine having a guide name Guido. He´s even doing all the ceremonies with us. (There are no mistakes!)
We’re walking apx 5 miles each day and so far none of it on level ground. My jeans are already looser.
Now to the good stuff! The ceremony so far has been wonderful. My task has been holding Pleiadian energy. We started at the Island of the Moon on Lake Titicaca in Bolivia - and were serenaded throughout by a peregrine falcon. Yesterday we did the vortex opening on top of Sun Island. I had my eyes shut but I think it was another falcon I heard at the end of that ceremony too. I’ve never held so much energy in my life! I’m still buzzed from it but I’ve stopped visibly shaking finally. Everyone is getting along great, and each is bringing wonderful contributions.
I’m especially happy having finally gotten a hot bath and washed my hair!?! There was NO hot water the three days we were in Bolivia. We are back in Puno tonight and head off again tomorrow. mm can’t actually remember where we go next but Machu Picchu is at the end of the trip. I’m assured that having gotten up the mountain (a few times each day) that we lived on top of in Bolivia, I’ll have no trouble later. I reeeeeally hope that proves true.
Stay tuned for further adventures.

3/4/2008 • MICHAEL:
Hey Melinda! Hey Lira!
Well it’s now the day after the 2 ceremonies at Lake Titcaca. I’m still pretty buzzed myself.
I had session with Malachite 2 days before your Ceremony at the Island of the Moon. He instructed me to focus in on Lira’s energetic with no other intention but to feel her from my stellar selfs perspective - and that this would help in some way to ground her energies as well as assist me in participating remotely. So on March 1st while you were at the Island of the Moon and on March 2nd while you were at Island of the Sun - I was holding focus between the hours of 1-6 (10am-3pm your time) on top of a cliff at the mouth of San Francisco Bay.
Isle of the Moon Focus: I was assisted by a hawk hovering motionless above me throughout most of the day. It was difficult to truly tune in as the winds were fierce on the exposed cliff and I could’ve used about ten more layers of clothing -But I endured! I had to shift positions many times until I found the perfect spot-The roots of a tree clinging to the cliff formed a perfect triangle seat-I felt like I was in a Merkaba and the wind was much calmer at this spot. I believe I could hear Lira toning and felt very grounded amongst the swirl of vortex energy I envisioned shooting up from the Lake like a great Geyser of Golden White Light - SHWOOOSHING straight up into the Heavens with unbelievable force and release-so much needed and so relieving. And like the spray of the ocean waves around me the energy shooting up into the heavens cascaded back down all over the earth like seeds of awakening.
Island of the Sun Focus: March 2nd-You all must have started earlier on this day - Before I even left Home my late morning coffee at about noon (9am your time) was interrupted by an enormous wave of energy that put straight into the soup. What a wonderful feeling but made it impossible to bike to my spot on the cliff-so into the car I went and Back to my Merkaba Root Tree - Now completely overdressed with all my winter gear - I had to strip down to my T-shirt and lather on the sun screen-Perfectly still day-very easy to focus intiately. Again the Hawk assisted me but much more briefly. Feeling incredibly magnetized kept thinking my fingers were touching lotus pose but were actually very far apart. Again with the vortex of light from Above & Below. Dancing and splashing in it’s waves being above it and within it and having it pass entirely through me without any resistance but feeling all of it’s incredible power and force without being blown away by it. Eventually my focus waned and I began to just zone out in an open eye meditation on the continuous waves of the ocean splashing and rejoicing, crashing and releasing. Each Ebb was like a deep deep breath, each flow was like a wondrous release. I became nothing more than a witness-completely magnetized and unable to move from my spot for what seemed like hours. Ebb & Flow... Ebb& Flow. Each Crash of the waves was like a glorious celebration of ecstasy!!!
Finally before releasing and leaving for home I stood and took in a golden orb or egg of light from the setting sun and placed into my body-this was my implanting for the ceremony and I feel it with me still.
Went home and completely crashed-Still today (March 3rd) feeling drained and a bit discombobulated-which end is up? I’ve just been south and north of the equator simultaneously as well as deep within the earth and all over and within the Universe.
I’ll be with you all again on only one of the next ceremonies per Malachites instructions to do all of them would be too much - I’m thinking Moray but then just now as I’m writing this Machu Picchu is resonating very strongly. Well each moment will inspire the next. Hope you get this primitive form of communication so that our Higher form of communication can be validated by our egos.
All my love and available energy

Hello loved one!
WHAT an amazing journey this has been. What you shared below is PERFECT. You were clearly with us. Miranda and Maya also kept coming through.
I have felt very loved on this journey. It has been tough in the sense of the huge amount of work done. 3 openings not the usual 1. My participation in the vortex opening at Sun Island was very intense - as I already shared. A few days later, a member of the trip was sitting beside me. I sensed ¨something¨ so I put an arm around her and discovered she was in horrible pain from an abscessed tooth. I began to quietly do some healing from the back seat of the van. When we got to the site (en route to Pisac) we had to lay her down for a full healing. Lira asked me what I was sensing and then instructed everyone where to stand. I expected her to take over but instead she had me take the lead. We’re talking full out shamanic healing for both client and healer. It was incredible to sense that so much of what I was pulling from this woman directly reflected my own issues. Lira finally told me I was taking in too much and sent me away to clear. Christine (a lovely young woman I am so grateful to have met) came with me to help shake it all out. Lira approached me again afterwards and told me there would be a spot where I would know to do more clearing. Our guide ¨Guido¨(who could not have been more perfect) lead us up the mountain to a series of water spigots. He took me to the far one so I would be secluded (this guy was SO tuned in to everything) and I just went to another dimension. I seemed to be time travelling to various experiences of power as a healer. I didn’t realize that Veronica, Christine and Marina had come along to guard me until one of them began to lay hands on me (I was probably going a bit too far out). I nearly shrugged the person off with my “I can take care of myself´ stupidity but fortunately instead I got that I needed to receive this. It was so beautiful and honoring. Then Veronica and Christine helped me back into my shoes. When I turned around, Guido opened his arms to me, and hugged me saying, “welcome home” and I realized the extent to which he had been holding space for me. It was an amazing experience.
The next ceremonial thing we did was at Moray. I felt like I was barely participating in the sense that I had no buzz, no “experiences” but afterwards I was a limp leaf so something was happening. That is where Lira released the 9 seals. It was huge work for her and she did a wonderful job. Her dedication and facility with this work is truly awe-inspiring.
I began to get sick a few days after that. Guido suggested that I not do the last day at Machu Picchu and I just looked at him like he´d lost his marbles. No way was I missing that! We did ceremony at the Sun Gate during a brief respite from the rain. I was so impressed with myself that got all the way to the top and I feel really good about the intention I set there. Lots of changes coming my way and I feel good about it all. I might actually finally be joining Malachite´s fuck it club.
Okay, I’m going to head back to my luscious hotel and take a nice hot bath - just in case the next hotel doesn’t afford that!?!
Much love to you,

Love you sooo. Really fried. Felt your help and focus. It really helped. Will write more soon.
Mucho Amor,