Visionary Stories of Activations in New Mexico Nov 10, 2009
I feel inspired to share this visionary work with you all. Although I am often alone on this particular journey, I remind ego that We are all connected and affect and mirror each other and all relations. Spider woman or web of light, divine mind computer (it has many names) are reflections for deeper insights for our freedom form misery, limitation, and control. It has been very important for me to re-member the law of attraction with feminine essence. Also, that our emotions, feelings, beliefs, and prayers as Greg Braden teaches and inspires by example, are strung together by the crystalline Light force imagery energy of the Divine Matrix.
Two days before I left for New Mexico, I received a channeling from Ce Ann; whereby, A Ra Onk, the Orion gateway, came to speak. He stated that I was following a magnetic pull to this area. I felt validated in not knowing what I was being drawn to...or....??? He/It stated that a stargate had called me to come for 3 activations. He told a story of a stargate that was ancient and for thousands of years it had been connected with the earth people both inner and on the surface. It was offered that there had been many trials and repressions and then the people finally found a way to release themselves. He continued that in the last 30 years due to human rituals and distractions that the stargate's connection had been completely pushed out of Santa Fe area. I was requested to bring through an activation in the old town square of Santa Fe, first, to clear congested energy. It seemed the intention star nation connection would bring forth a clearing for flow and more prosperity. He also, said that there would be a fire either in structures or the forest that would not be devastating but would be a signal to me from the middle earth.
After two days of driving for 12 hours each day, I was feeling layers shed from exhaustion and anticipation as I entered Santa Fe. I was driving over the hill at sunset with a visible moon waxing toward fullness. To my amazement, as I drove to the top of hill, a forest fire was blazing great smoke signals. I felt a strange sensation in my body. A kind of release like when one is saged. Also, the clarion call itself sang like a gong or gateway. I was aware I was entering initiation into unknown zones. This peak moment began to wane as sun downed its red and gold light and I drove into the city. I could feel the weariness of travel and responsibility of work playing havoc like a pack of coyotes.
{ A note back in linear time. I went back to Idyllwild from NYC to housesit for I thought two months with an airline ticket back to NYC at the end of Sept. In Idyllwild, Spirit revealed to me that I was there to activate the mountain, to bring a union with a female rock formation called by folklore "suicide" and a male rock formation that oversees the township called Taquitz or "Lilly Rock". After this request, coyote packs began coming around every night and morning in the place where I was staying. One day I counted 8 with a baby nearby unconcerned with my presence simply sitting with. Guides revealed that I had been coming to this area for many years scratching my head wondering why as I amassed my frequencies for the activation work to be in a timely manner. It seemed there was/is a grid beneath the mountain that had been protected since Atlantis and its fall. During the 9/9/9 activation I was to connect with this grid to flow with Arkansas and Mt. Shasta for crystal activations then to Brazil and on to Europe. Stonehenge itself had been speaking to me and was " lighting up" with a great potency and potential for our ascension. Guides suggested that this was also creating a cross within and above the earth ("Grand Cross") to stabilize the the poles of the earth ( that had been wobbling and moving to close to the sun). This alignment and cosmic help was important so WE could all stabilize and continue our evolution. Much more activated during this pinnacle timing as many channels have offered. So I opened my portal on 9/9/9 and enclosed it at Fall Equinox in Idyllwild. This activation was also releasing many triggers in my emotional body. My ego often felt confused and conflicted as emotional feeling body cleared and deepened with divine mother. Endings and new beginnings have never been that easy for me. I asked guides about the Idyllwild mountain activation work. One validation pointed to coyote's presence around me...hmmm?? Guidance suggested that this animal gateway was to assist in keeping the chaos in flux and help me feel more comfortable and playful around people. So guides called me coyote woman. I suppose appropriate for Southwest area, a common gateway expression. So the trickster has been playing its games with me especially when ego wants to cling...breathing... Ho!}
Moving forward again to activation in old Santa Fe town square... I asked what the name of the stargate was and A Ra Onk said it felt like it was called Moouran. Unknown to me, I called this sounding tone name in. Rains the day before seemed to clear for the work as the next morning was pristine and bright with crystal sunlight. I created attunments in a garden area with Buddha, seemingly Quan Yin statue and wind sculptures before walking to the town square. I sat next to an oblisk and I could feel that this activation was also some how connected with Egypt as well as Peru and the 3 activations I co-created there years ago i each area. This oblisk was a memorial to "those killed in the Indian wars"...uh OK? Yet, it seemed to be the place. A child and her mother were the only people nearby. It can be challenging to ego to "vibrate" in public areas and stay clear. I was told then that it would be complete when the child was gone. The energy was of the highest frequency I could remember feeling. The energy felt like it was singing a stellar high crystal bowl like sounding or more so re-sounding. It seemingly came through in 3 movements. First, I simply saw an earthen like bowl beneath the concrete square. I felt it was the middle earth presenting to my awareness its receivorship. The feeling vision of the bowl was very grounding and benevolent with its own magic. It was the most simple and beautiful "bowl" I have ever "felt" in vision. The second movement had images so fleeting of ritual ceremonies of great devotion and clearly connected with dimensions above and below the Mother Earth with earth people/ native awareness. I saw beings human emerging from navel points with star beings extending a hand as they surfaced. The "heart languages connecting to this stargate wanted to be voiced so I did so quietly. I could hear this young girl playing and it gave me some comfort and distraction while creating "strange sounds" in the public square. The last movement was stellar with blue and white light. A blue kachina or blue star danced in and out of crystalline forms. It seemed to herald such openings and new ways of feeling and being. I felt so high, pristine as clogs of clothed identities fell away with cracks like pottery breaking shards or like lightening hitting the ground. Grey clouds then began to cover and within two hours my throat hurt like I had been shot with an arrow. Waves of sickness followed for 3 weeks. Fevers of hot and cold expansions and contractions swept like an old witch's broom. Was I clearing my own and area's congestion? Surrender was the only option.
I asked for help,Spirit then brought a soul, Yoshi ( a Japanese man from NJ) who wanted to assist in the work. First, we went to tent Rocks a beautiful landscape structure where my energy got stronger hiking through gorges and onto heights after such weakness from the sickness. The next day, he offered to drive to Pecos, as I was told the second activation would be southwest of Santa Fe. I had been gifted with visions in meditation of being taken into a kiva (an underground structure dug into the earth; often used as ritual and ceremonial or vision questing by natives. It is also sometimes the name for a rounded earthen oven). Also, in the vision an inverted swastika ( an ancient native symbol) appeared. It began spinning counterclockwise, my spirit spiraled downward into dark kiva in the Mother Earth. An Eagle dancer in human from with white wings danced above. I felt drums and chanting for moments till all became dark and silent. I breathed and waited as darkness seem to cover my spirit in layers. It was cool and quite despite my uneasiness. Sometimes I could still feel the energy of the dancer above. Calm, cool, fear and mind stuff all passed like an eternal births and deaths till beginnings and endings became circular movement with neither entrance nor exit...
After meandering the area of Pecos, southwest of Santa Fe, we came upon a small park. Guides had suggested a pueblo may be in this area for an identification marking. Indeed one was there, although it was ruins of an ancient site. As we walked, I was excited to see that we had come upon a pueblo with a kiva! We walked down the wood latter into the round brown ground below. Light came in through the hole above so half the ladder looked like a stairway of shimmering particles as shadow below defined the steps. I was guided to draw a simple circle around me on the earth and sit within it and allow the transmissions to come through. There was an old piece of wood below which eyed my attention as all else was barren earth of rounded golden brown red walls with a ground floor meeting as One. I picked up the shared wood piece and drew a circle with it. It was the only object in the kiva. I saged us and the kiva with smoke. After sitting, I used tibetan bells; 3 chimes to initiate a sounding intent of heart and soul. I then unified the chakras and energy fields with golden white light and called in the directions. When I came to the direction of the west, a woman with a camera descended the ladder. I noticed one foot touched the ground and then she seemed to ascend and disappear. I had hawk, eagle and one white swan feathers beside me. I began to create a vortex of spiraling energy with these feathers. I glimpsed as the inverted swastika of 4 directions passed with the blink of my eye. I felt magnetized to a deeper connection with middle earth. I remember White Eagle made its presence known. Chants, sacred prayers, tones and body movements passed through my being. It seemed as if many were chanting and praying. All I can remember is a white Light splashed... a near white out! Then the white light seemed to turn into a liquid as if a white river flowed through the top of the kiva. I was deeply moved by the passion I felt from the prayers in the "languages of the heart". With emotion surfacing from depths unkown, I wanted to weep or stop; yet, the sacred prayers from the unknowable continued for eternal moments. Later, it seemed as if star gates and earth communicated with each other as a bridge... for humanity to listen and come together again and live in wonder, innocence, and sacredness. After completion, I carefully erased the circle drawn and replaced the old wood to its exact resting place in rounded barren earth kiva. We ascended the ladder to a whistling and cold wind. I sat next to a tree for some covering. He walked away to meditate. Heart languages kept spilling out my mouth. I breathed, smoked, and then buried a selenite crystal chard next to the tree. I began to shiver with cold. Driving back felt like flying...good that he was driving!
I was guided that this work may call in the rain. The next day a snow storm seemed to white out and purify the area with crystalline magic. The last activation was to be in Taos, yet there was no going on this day as Earth has her own voice and ways. Yoshi felt drawn to assist this work. I was most grateful as I was weak after such an illness/clearing. Snow storm were predicted for both days. He had to leave the next day. So it was p to Spirit if he would assist and participate in last activation in Taos.
The next morning I requested guidance and saw a golden road meandering through mountain gorges. It seemed to indicate "clear passage" despite weather warnings. I was guided that Taos would be last and possibly uncomfortable for my physical form. That morning I felt very heavy and with nausea. As we got closer we pulled into a coffee stop on the Rio Grande River. Here I guided attunments next to river, under sun,Ra and beautiful gold, brown and green fall leaves. The sky was blue with no snow. A blessing. As we approached Taos, a snowy grey blanket covered. Yet, snow was light and flying around like in a shaken glass snow ball. We entered Taos Pueblo to co-create this work with Star Nation Moouran and Councils of Light. Guidance offered that Taos was already anchored. I was sent there to clear some of the dissonance so the people could express themselves again with much more freedom. The Pueblo area available to the public was not large. Small shops are open on the ground spaces. There were a few tourist and I was wondering where it might be possible for this "sitting" with Spirit. Tourist began to go inside as snow flurries prevailed. I spotted a wooden tree bench next to the sacred "Red Willow Stream" that flowed down the middle of the Pueblo. (Later I read it came from the Blue Lake, a most sacred water that Drunvallo also shares about.) Many acres are off limits now; most notably Blue Lake. It is protected by Taos Pubelo Natives. I have felt drawn to the Blue Lake for many years and visited it a few times in visionary journeys for seemingly a deeper connection with earth.
The stream was a rushing sound in this one space next to a tree where I was unmistakenly magnetically drawn to. I called in the Spirit, as Yoshi sat nearby as a guardian for the work. All I remember was the energy, sacred chants, and voices came through with a great passion. There were gyrations in my body as I fell to my knees on snowy turf and prayers of mystery sometimes seemed to be speaking to the stream itself and then sky. I was not aware of temperature, time or weather. I remember looking up at some point and seeing and feeling a great snow fall with large crystal flakes as if Big Dipper or Aquarian water bearer itself was pouring from a ladle to this specific spot. I looked up and Yoshi had an inch of snow on this flat hair top and was shivering. We headed to one of few shops open with a fire inside. A few moments later, we noticed snow had ceased. We marveled at Spirit's guardianship and response. As we drove out of the Pueblo, a coyote crossed in front of the road, stopped and looked at us as is often their nature. Ah...Ho trickster.
After a day of rest, I felt pulled back to Taos. It seems more clearing was in order; certainly for myself; perhaps, the area as well. I went back to Taos Pueblo on a beautiful, warm and sunny day. I stayed there all day. I sat next to the sacred stream as tears flowed. I breathed and absorbed native energy to also bring me some balance and peace. I am still in Taos. When I shared with a native shop keeper in an uncertain and shy voice that I was "vision questing" he replied with resonating warmth and groundness, "All roads lead to good places". Now a mantra in unknown and uncertainty.
It seem there is more work. On New Moon, I am guided to go to Abiquiu. The weather is holding for now yet, I feel a need to anchor for the winter and create work.
To give to the earth and all our relations from sky father/star nations is a privaledge and great challenge. It seems rituals with agendas had pushed the connection away. I was requested yet again, to come here and simply give to the earth without an agenda. Some are and many more will be guided to a higher purpose as frequencies continue to increase. That is, Spirit is knocking at your door Now!! Clearly our old ways of being and manifesting are falling away; as archtypal mind-set looses its ground and connection. It falls like the shards I could feel/hear breaking. It seems living/feeling a new vision without ego and judgment is our key to co-creating with unlimited possibilities. Sacredness is a Great Mystery. It is a constant challenge to not "go back" and be unconsciously ruled by the old guards,fears, beliefs and past experiences.
If you know people in NM area of like mind please let me know. Thank you all for being reflections for me in this world and work. Dialogues and honoring support by some of you has been received with much appreciation and honoring. I could feel your love.
Thank you for receiving. I look forward and enjoy your sharing of your individual journeys as well.
May balance and grace be with us all,
951 765-7507 I am available for phone sessions on the weekends.