Greetings with a grand welcome to you All Eclipsing times are powerful motivators and change makers for Spirit and Mystery's spiraling dance. We are discovering seen and unseen "rooms" in our houses "Self". We are also revisiting closets with goblins, demons, and clutter to resource, recycle, review or release. Our shadows offer us so much that we often deny. They are our contrasts, friction and our demons can become our daemons or greatest alleys. Diamonds in the roughs are usually our soul's unique gifts. These can be unimaginable till fully embraced.However, shadows can be very challenging, ranging from horrific to ridiculous. We all have shadows as it is our human journey. If we perceive ourselves as one sided dark or light , we are deluded and dead to our growth potential, divine purpose, and discovery or our unique gift/vibration we have come the Earth to offer. Eclipses will show us Light and Dark, if we are willing to open. Oct. 8 was Total Lunar (Blood Moon) Eclipse and New Moon/partial Solar Eclipse is on Oct.23. Facilitation and sacred ceremony can be very useful for these times! The dynamic Solar, Lunar, Stellar and Planetary alignments of October push us out of our comfort zones into the unknown. We feel explosive and tender, exposed and challenged as never before, seeking balance and self-mastery. How do we stay clear, balance, and navigate these new watery edges of what's real and illusion, and what no longer serves? Lyra offers: "It's time for us to ground our awareness into the deep roots of the feminine matrix to support, nurture and free ourselves from being stuck in the artificial grid system." In Saturday's Mid-Point Solar Eclipse workshop Lyra will bring forth teachings and illuminations, including profound multi-dimensional experiences with the return of the Crystal Moon earlier this year, and what it offers our awareness. She offers sacred space for our journeys, and initiations, personal messages and guidance."Elements of Fire and Water will especially be honored and attuned with at this workshop. The spirits of the elementals are speaking loudly now; may we receive them as equals in honoring this communion." Maya Minwah will augment the space with anointments and oils, including Silver Fir, Cedarwood, and Angelic Infusion, Phuel, known as Lord of the Power of the Moon and the Waters. Please join us as we deepen and discover the Magician and Alchemist within to bring forth something genuinely new into our lives for the greater good of All. Blessings and inspirations, | NYC Sunday, Nov. 2. 11am-3pm Live an Extra-Ordinary Life By Inspired Actions Initiating this November After passage through the eclipsing gateways, we are presented with opportunities for shifting our perceptions, creating our own platforms to spring from, and be our own empowered Light. We are capable and supported with potentials to consciously rise above the fray of inner conflict, over reactivity, distortions and closing down our own boundaries to secure a limited position often based unconsciously in self protection and fear. This month and times to come may challenge us... where the "rubber meets the road". In each unique soul, there is an inspired heart vision beyond the "me" wanting growth and expansion like fresh air and space to dance anew. Willingness to share our creative expressions with Community without knowing the whole picture is a vital choice (consciousness) now as to what vibration we will resonate with and attract to our field. May we choose wisely and with courage of heart as parallel realities present to our awareness. I will be available for personal sessions reflecting visionary aspects and guidance for your journeys. New York City: Personal sessions: Sunday, Nov. 2, 11 am-3 pm Email [email protected] or call for an appointment 951-765-7507 Sessions by Appointment 1 hour: $100 90 minutes: $133 Phone and Skype sessions will be available on request as we move in ever changing waters toward the winter Solstice. Blessings and journey with highest intent. Sat. Oct.18 and Thurs. 23 Lunar and Solar Eclipse Mid Point Workshop This is a very auspicious eclipsing transition on the heels of 2014 Equinox gateway. Light and shadow aspects will be explored/revealed thru sacred journeys, body awareness, tonal/light languages, attunements for chakra clearing & raising vibrations. Trance channeling Spirit guides will be available. Further, releasing old patterns (shadow unconscious conditioning) to free each being to explore lighter aspects is the crux of this transition Eclipse Workshop. This focused work is to assist grounding on new ground to celebrate movement upward and onward during these precarious, yet very potent times. Thurs. Oct. 23 NewMoon/Solar Eclipse Sacred Circle It is recommend to attend both of these eclipse events for a comprehensive exploration. This Sacred Circle will focus energy for balance and self empowerment. "To Thine Own Self Be True". Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Scorpio as Sun enters Scorpio is a day of power and recognition. Be Aware... HO! This sacred work will bring support for the depths, water consciousness on planet and in bodies,, Mer People (psychic realms in photon belt we have entered at Equinox), Death or dissolving realities. Guidance, new information and support will be offered with loving and honoring arms. Conscious boundaries and freedom from co-dependency will be addressed for greater release, flight and integration. Individual Sessions: Saturday, Oct. 25 & Sunday Oct. 26 11:00 a.m. to 4 PM Sessions by Appointment 1 hour: $100 90 minutes: $133 RSVP for all events or schedule an individual appointment Contact: Maya Minwah [email protected] 570.468.7350 Maya @ The Sanctuary of Oils 61 Commercial St. (The Holmes Bldg) Honesdale, PA 18431 |
AuthorLyra is a contemporary Categories
March 2015