May all our souls join hands across the waters at this auspicious Solstice and celebrate revealing/rebirthing with intent and potency. Each of us brings a valuable "piece "...a key to the round table to be honored and acknowledged as the Light turns. I am grateful for the diversity of OUR magical weaving touching spaces and offering gifts for a benevolent Spirit. 2015 portends to be a year of timelines merging, accelerations, destructions, creative shifts ... and more with a clarion call for respond-able Actions. May the rhythms of our unique drummers be allowed to PLAY. HO!
What I bring to the round table for your entertainment, guidance and consideration is Deep Space for this Solstice. It feels as if a deep quiet silence blankets upon us for this Winter/Summer Solstice aligning, a vertical seeding from cosmic and earth sources to come together on a middle ground. It is as if this deep space infuses very cell of all beings in physicality to be in balance with higher cosmic dimensions. That is, a palpable depth that can truly be felt and recognized within deep silent space. With all inner senses it can be touched, seen, smelled, heard and realized. I feel that this energy is truly creating a depth for conscious waters and even an opportunity for clearing away distraction, distortion, dis-ease for all who choose to resonate with it. This energy feels magnetic and attracts New seeds by creating a receptive ground; that we may have never experienced before as humans on this Earth plane. It helps to breathe in and intend deep space where there is confusion, craziness and feelings of not enough space or time. That is, when there is STRESS.
As thoughts are electric and emotions are magnetic, it might be wise to create sacred space first by breathing consciously (loop breathing) with feelings of well being in body. It may also be useful to visualize the octahedron around body. This is two 4 sided pyramids coming together at the bases. I often use the above point as cosmic soul connection portal and the lower point as earth/middle earth/lower self-childlike portal. Many traditions have names of higher, lower and middle worlds. Our middle world may be considered our physical human experience...our east west horizontal linear experience. In a balanced state it connects with above and below. Key to this alignment for Solstice seeding and activation is BALANCE. I have worked with the octahedron for 20 years. The Hathors through Tom Kenyon also recommend it as The Holon of balance. It wise to place the octahedron around you as much as possible and especially when you find yourself in situations with people that are reactive, distorted and unbalanced, so you can hold your own energy field with STABILITY. It is a practice. It seems that this balancing geometric form was used in the Golden Age of Atlantis/Lemuria. I was gifted with it by Aronk, the Atlantean, many years ago via the channel Ce Ann. The Star of David or 6 sided star aligns at this Solstice time with its potent "as above so below" alchemy and Merkaba "light body" energy. This 6 pointed star is very useful for dimensional travel as well. I recommend exploring both of these sacred geometric configurations for your Conscious expansion and mastery of energy now and in days to come. It is a discipline and practice that can be most useful when implemented.
I feel that this dark, deep space energy that heralds from the outer reaches will awaken what has been dormant for eons. For some it may feel down, depressing or that it is magnetizing more negativity. It is up to us to be useful with and celebrate this energy with uplifting thoughts (electrical) and attention by breathing and calming our emotional body which extends far beyond the physical and its dynamic is coming online to reveal its power in days to come. We have not always been friends nor fully available and conscious with our emotional bodies in the eons of journeying 3D wounds and imbalances as we were becoming Masters of Limitation. Those limits are falling away as we come into a greater harmonic....a musical cadence if you will, from the music of the spheres and Mother Earth herself with new rhythms and transmissions. Being useful with color BLUE and its affiliations as well. Such as blue ray, blue star, blue crystal, etc. to enhance a healthy EMOTIONAL BODY during this simultaneous initiation and seeding time for this Solstice is very wise and proactive.
The return of the Light in the north with the peak of Light in the south presents opposites where we need to discover for ourselves a balanced way to Be from a more mature place (Capricorn). This Solstice portends to be quite potent. I like the phrases of "creative potency" for God and "creative intention" for prayer as a way to expand potentials of wisdom and understanding. This season we have a Solstice alignment with a New Moon in Capricorn as well as Uranus going direct in Aries all at one juncture. Whoa!! It is wise for us to be awake and pay attention. Let us re-member that our attention follows our intention. Sometimes we are so scattered that our so called good intentions are not even followed by attentiveness to what or how we are experiencing ourselves with Life in the MOMENT. This is not a time to loose our heads and run around in reactivity or holi-daze. It is a Holy day...A Silent Night. One master also offers that Solstices change our brain waves. Here again, I feel that this deep space can also assist brain "changes". May our sacred heart space be OPEN to focus with Creator Love (in breath) and Light (out breath) in balanced reciprocity. We need proactive calming & centering while allowing and being with the Chaos or Chaotic Nodes of dynamic creative and destructive energetics necessary as "change makers" HERE & NOW....Yes. We are that. This is not an easy transition so let us be as gentle as possible with our Life and its Force. What is important? What keeps us engaged here? How are we embracing and sharing ourselves?
A simple mediation of conscious breathing in and out in a loop while slowly closing the eyes allows deep space its saturation for a new way of grounding in a fertile field. I do not know what this deep space is. I have explored with it for years and now it is so prevalent and Present that I feel inspired to share it. Maybe it is love.
I sense that this deep space energy can offer a depth field to receive the magic of the Magician as an input (in breath) Love carrier... in harmony for the out put Light carrier of the Alchemist. This will assist our lower metal self to a gold of higher self frequency. Change our frequency....change our perception...change our Life. This can assist us to BE in a state of pondering wonderment and magic on levels we as a human race are just rising up to .... With Uranus in Aries going always "expect the UNEXPECTED" with gratitude for Being and Breathing with Life.
Let us enjoy this awesome and magical experience of Solstice Self together...
Blessings and Be well,
~A grateful acknowledgement to Michael Van Patten who gives his art and services to construct these writings into formats and images. :-)