Fall Equinox Sacred Ceremony

I simply wanted to pass on some reflections from California during these most dynamic and change filled times and Universal timings. May our intentions to be grounded, simple, and compassionate with all that is playing in our worlds as mirrors of recognition. I will be available for individual phone sessions if you feel a need to check in. We are all this together!
Harmony in loving change,
Li and Ra
Greetings One and All,
First I want to express my gratitude for those who participated in 9/9 Ascension Event. It is often remarkable to experience healing and awakening together as One instead of going it alone in separation. Thank you for assisting my transformation/healing at this rich and potent time for shifts and to release old survival patterns. Today on 9/11 day let us remember this” wake up call” that when all was said and done, our world was more intimately connected. Wake up calls are never easy nor is that their function. Revenge and bitterness are always self-destructive in the end. We will be witnessing many falls in our near futures not unlike the fall of the Roman Empire. When shadows are exposed by the Light of awareness, boundaries held by ignorance and old survival patterns will begin to fall suddenly not unlike the Berlin wall. Friends and enemies will look very different and bring new perspectives on our prejudices/judgments that inhibit sharing our resources and our hearts. In the bigger picture boundaries are falling, dissolving and collapsing. The big picture always moves the little picture by the nature of cosmic Oneness. Our view has moved way beyond global Earth recognition to universal with inter planetary effects and affects. Life does not revolve around us. We are a part of a much bigger whole. It is with humor, we recognize that we still say sunrise and sunset instead of the truth earthrise and earthset.
On a personal level or small picture the big picture will move us to release boundaries of limitations and beliefs or it will totally encapsulate and one will fall asleep. If you are defending a” picket fence life style” so as not to disturb status quo, be attentive as bigger picture pushes all our separation buttons, boundaries and old life styles. It may feel insecure or uncomfortable, yet taking risks, revealing and exposing self will bring LIFE back from the dead with personal growth as well as vital life force for healing and creating new paradigms. Ask are you retiring, giving up or wanting to secure your little picture only; or risking exposure to the unknown by taking on more respondability to create and realize more... consciously?
Our worlds may sometimes look like all hell is coming loose or stagnant or beautiful. Let’s remember, one must still have chaos in one’s soul to give birth to a dancing star! Laughing, loving, crying, working, playing and being honest in this equinoxing force filled opportunity may assist us to realize divinity in human format! Don’t think like a human. Be Real. Be. Be Divine.
Come and celebrate this sacred ceremony with newness, simplicity, and compassion for All our relations. With the New Moon/Solar Eclipse landing on Fall Equinox day we have quite the elements for a grand celebration as conscious action. If you are unable to attend, create your own circles of awareness/meditations for yourself first and then All.
Event: Fall Equinox Sacred Ceremony
Date: Fri. eve. Sept.22
Time: 6:30-9:30pm
Let us come as One... together again,
Li and Ra
Personal Note; I will be leaving to create work in New York from Oct. 5--Nov. 13. I will return to this area then and be available for house sitting. Blessings.