Inspiration Peru

This New Moon’s expressive force carries potent seeds, that may well affect us all the way up to New Moon at Winter Solstice. From feeling well springs of “aliveness” surfacing to create benevolent magic by following our heart’s bliss; to the dark sides of acknowledging the manipulations of war=money, control by fear, distraction, lethargy, and lack of compassion are playing out on world stages. Dark and Light forces always pulse together in a time of synthesis. Barbara Handclow’s New Moon focus is a powerful read. click on astroflash. Ho! What an incredible opportune time to let go of our hold on the Mother Earth (materialism) and move with Nature and its “winds of change”. I am aware that many are “listening” and letting go of excess baggage mentally, emotionally and physically to lighten up.
Mother Earth is emoting a powerful voice with climactic changes creating upheaval and uneasiness affecting and effecting us All. This will continue for our awakening. For example, you may be feeling happy as a clam when a deep feeling of uneasiness moves through your solar plexus. You might also notice that emotional reactivity to a situation has much force or seems over the top. This is also Nature impulsing us to clear our emotional bodies with our thought form attachments and beliefs. We need to remember again, as in our native and ancient “knowing”, how to “feel” weather, look at its signs, and “listen” for guidance if we intend to co-create with this Great Shift.
I have been listening to Mother Earth for many years and following her requests. She and the Galactic communities assisting human awakening are requesting a “grand event” for a Sacred Journey to Peru. This assignment is much greater in scope than anything I have created and participated with to date. It has taken me 4 mos. to set this up. Spirit Guides recently spoke “Put the calling forth and inspire humans to participate”. I am pleased that the trip and web site are now available. Please note that this is a exceptional opportunity to participate for your own awakening and global changes. This journey is the corner stone for the trinity dynamic with Egypt and Jerusalem to follow. If you cannot personally make the trek there are so many ways to gift and align with this event. On web site click to “Support” for more information. Your meditations, contributions, and suggestions are needed to manifest this journey. I inspire you to listen to your heart and recognize we truly are brothers and sisters all in this together. HO!
I will be traveling to Alaska in late Sept. to work with Mother Earth and “ring of fire”. Lizette Stier will be hosting me outside of Ankorage. I will be pleased to connect with new people and promote our Sacred Journey to Peru. If you know people in the area please contact me. I a m available for phone sessions. cell 951 765-7507 Thank you all for being here Now, Lira