Planet Changes
I want to speak about some of the dynamics that I feel we humans are shaking, rattling, rolling, surfing, and waving through. From my perspective, it looks like everyone in human experience is feeling the archetypal transformative shaking that is being focused through financial subordination and proliferation with all it’s fears of survival coming to the surface. If one has millions or nothing, the affect of the shaking is making itself known. This particular archetype has been in place for 1,000 yrs. when purchasing replaced bartering. Humanity as a collective is at a fevered pitch with emotional body worlds creating earth quaking on and on. I feel the California fires, we are experiencing here(by the way on the Ring of Fire) are expressions and reflections of this. That is, emotional body activated by and with financial concerns, greed, the like. Disasters bring the potential for new perspectives, gratitude, and sharing. The greatest hit was not loss of human life, rather the environment and $$$. Fires often reflect frustration, anger, rage and can have a transmutive quality effect. May our feeling prayers radiate to All our relations for this fire’s arena.
In these challenging times, it seems humanity is beginning to see all parts of itself that have been seduced, ruptured, or displaced. What began as an experiment of a coming together, protection of one another and of course our home Mother Earth has become something different. We are beginning to realize that some of our unconscious expressions in separation such as disunity, disloyalty, desensitisation and the like are coming to a reckoning. We all know this. The profound quest is this: HOW WILL HUMANITY EMBRACE ITSELF AGAIN AND COME BACK TO ITSELF?
Along with the Earth’s magnetic center spinning at a much greater rate something has to give! So how might we consciously participate by taking the high road? Let us come together again and share our selves, visions, inspired ideas with a sacred focus to bring community together to create our world. What unique potential is or wants to flower in you? Let us e/raise the past histories and raise our vibrations for creative juice to flow and reveal new ways, music, fine arts, healing etc. as we embrace our Shift.
It seems these next months are pivotal. I am not an expert on Mayan, Hopi,Vedic and other such proliferations; yet, I feel it is most wise to listen to our Elders and be very attentive now! I will be creating two Circles of Awareness to set a tone before Night 5 of the Galactic Underworld enters in Nov. This is a powerful time to integrate and deepen into Self and Heart. We can neutralize Chaos and the so called Beast of materialism’s seductive pull by HOLDING OUR FOCUS and KEEPING OUR INTEGRITY. This night can be the most blessed with its depth and integrative potential. We need not be seduced nor ruled by fear nor fear mongers. I will send forth another communique of what you can personally create for yourselves for greater awareness. I will also be sending my visionary experiences from Alaska and The Ring of Fire mission.
What I am bring to NYC to share in these pivotal times are vibration gifts given to me before and during my Alaska trek. These include:
1. An attunement with what simply looks like a silver sphere that works like a shield. It assist to hold a neutral field with focus. What this neutralizes is emotional reactivity from thought forms.
2. An attunement with the Platinum Chord to offer linkages with “all and every”.
3. Animal totem medicine, particularly the whale for connection with Mother Earth’s magnetic field. That is, a powerful grounding with also human animal biology that is more subtle and vibrates higher than the planetoid.
4. Opportunity for you to share your gifts, healing, visions and the like.
I have 4 Circles of Awareness and intend more for availability to absorb and attune with frequencies. I am still looking for other spaces if you know of such. These 4 are:
To bookend the Galactic night and celebrate it’s entrance. Nights are feminine, meditative, receptive and heart oriented to giving.
Circle of Awareness Work/playshop
New Moon attunement Circle of Awareness
Sacred Journey to Peru needs ongoing energy and focus to manifest this “grand event”. Some new energy is in the mix to make this an even more inspiring journey of a lifetime beyond time! Please assist by listening to your heart, Mother Earth’s calling and Galactic communities requesting this mission. All details are on my web site for reference
YES. Let us come together again for the greater good of All our Relations.