New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse Ceremony •Friday July 1, 2011
Circle on Friday, July 1, 7:15 PM
Santa Fe Soul Center
click for directions
This New Moon/Solar Eclipse completes the Triade of eclipses that also bookended this Summer Solstice; this potent 2011 vertical alignment activated a Cardinal Grand Cross! The Flame and the Sword will yield forces of such great Light, Love and powerful change change change (eclipses) that it is wise to be alert, aware, and focused with intent. Our old debris of personal and collective human consciousness will be greatly...breathing...brought to awareness one way or another in these "winds of change". It may burn, clear, transmute, distort, dis-ease; be as challenge or obstacle at this time. Let us remember that our consciousness movements are vertical poles at Solstices to deeper (dark/inner self/winter solstice) and connection as well to heights (higher self/expanded picture/summer solstice/Light). Our linear progress movements (horizontal) may not be apparent or even happening now as our energy is called to participate in great global, personal and cosmic changes on the vertical poles of consciousness. July 1, New Moon Eclipse is a time to anchor and honor with sacredness with the highest vibration that it is possible for you to sustain, the "New Human Being You". Releasing attachments, lineages, beliefs, assumptions, fears, distortions and the like of old archetypal gods that served duality are key to shift with this Transition of Earth and Sky. This anchoring will fuse the human grid of consciousness with Mother Earth's 144 grid with the cosmic crystalline Matrix. Ho! For every event, thought, belief, relationship, decision and the like, we might work with this energy by raising it upward a a notch and view it from a higher perspective first; and then expand it like a sphere with 360 degree view. Stretch and breathe into that before action. Notice then that debris, tar like stuck energy or even ego teeth gritting is less or not there at all. This space is much lighter, cleaner and crystalline. It is a breath of fresh air and last. With passion (sometimes new found)... above human emotional dense judgment of good/bad; right/wrong;likes/dislikes is a new place for "seeing" and making choices at cardinal grand cross-=+cross ways ( a little cosmic humor):). Discern by looking at or imagining (I-magnetize-intention) what choices, embraces etc. might add to your quantum field heart energy? What feels fresh, alive, rich, new and benevolent? Or what feels like it will subtract/diminish? How (un)comfortable is the need the Be Right or support spiritual One Ups-man ship? What part of your experience feels like a tight shoe, pants or box ready to burst? If you can feel that...wonderful...consciousness has expanded. Now we can release these old and tight boundaries in various ways. We don't have to explode/implode, have dis-ease, or violent separations or unnecessary destruction. We can do this with surrender, grace, ease, sacred ceremony, creatively, with Love and more! We have a choice to move into "primal reactivity" unconsciously or we can support this beautiful, unknown Frequency with a "WELCOME". This is not a casual, frivolous time to distract or put our heads in the sand. Clearing space for our "New You" will depend on our light quotient. Letting go and sacrifice of small picture, desires and comforts will be part of this Cardinal Grand Cross of Change. A Prayer for all sentient life: In still space together as refections of each other, we offer sacred prayers for the BENEVOLENT GOOD FOR ALL SENTIENT LIFE in all the fires on our Mother Earth, Now. Prayers of courage and safe passage for all fire workers, and all peoples affected in these areas. Our prayers to receive Middle Earth and its council to us in our meditations and scared ceremonial circles of heart intent. May new growth and Light portals be anchored with and by All our relations for benevolence, loving kindness and new growth. May we all acknowledge our lack of understanding with energy resources within and without; such as, nuclear power so we are able to open to new resources that honor interconnectedness of all Life. May our own energy re-sourcing from within/out be useful and benevolent with Great Spirit/Mystery for all Life on Earth and Sky. May distortions be exposed for the good of all. Ho! Please join our group and add your energy if it inspires and uplifts you even if you are long distant. Pass it On. Journey well as we hold hands in the dark together, feeling our way, trusting our connection to Sources of Divinity. How exciting to be alive for this transition! How will we appear in our "New You(s)"? Many blessings, Lira