I feel that the initiating energy of Aries (Ram) this Spring Equinox may possibly be like no "other" equinox with its dynamics in these times of unprecedented change with new frequencies. The greater cycle, of the Precession of the Equinoxes, can be viewed as an over seerer of a smaller cycle... Equinox 2012-Equinox 2013. Some, including myself, from a mystic and grid alignment perspective have celebrated the Spring Equinox as a point for creating a new year or cycle of growth. With photon band activating Earth, all planets in our solar system and certainly our human quantum energy fields are in great absorption for form shift/ascension/change. It is wise for us to focus our intentions (creations, seeds) with clarity,inquiry and sacredness for this celestial and earth equinox celebration. Our thoughts may manifest now with greater quickness than in the past due to photon belt activation; so it is wise to keep our monkey minds in check. (Easier said than done) Equinox is a powerful grid point to align with Greater Reality. It is a grid/time placement for balance. Some have misused the power of this sacred grid to create wars, terrorism and the like to create chaos and imbalance for self serving control. So let us look to the Sun and fell Mother Earth with Love.
The Sun moves into Aries on March 19 at 11:15 pm MDT. I plan to attune a Sacred Circle on Tues. Mar. 20. Wherever you find yourself on the planet, your highest intent will be of great service. Our brothers and sisters south of the equator will also be aligning with balance on their Fall Equinox. Note New Moon (seed) follows on March 22 activating another cycle! Cosmic and earth forces with infinite knowing creating with divine intent. Create space to breathe, dance, love, share.,,
I have disciplined a focus for many years to align with the Equinoxes, Solstices and sub holy days (Candlemas, Beltane, Lammas, Hallowmas) to create/activate with (outer Equinoxes/Solstices) and receive/integrate with (inner sub holy days). Many activations with Earth/Sky work in past years were guided to be attuned on these grid days. This potent grid of sacred geometry anchoring Consciousness is an attunement. We may feel or see more dis-anchoring from a greater perspective as energy is balancing unto itself. In light of this practice, I have been feeling how the energy of these grids has been changing radically. Although I have never adhered to specific ritual/ information, it might be wise to not be attached to past beliefs/grids/old archetypes and open heart/mind/body with innocence and willingness..."I don't know" yet willing to be Present. With the Sun and Earth along with all the Universes are undergoing great changes for a weaving together of "strands" DNA we can go with or hold against. Solar flares this year are creating great dynamics affecting the magnetic fields around all in physical/non-physical formats. Sometimes we forget the invisible forces. New templates will be revealed when they are revealed?? So inner change, clearing, and revolution are dancing with many many different drum beats. Yet, no matter how the chaos might be playing itself out, a greater rhythm of Reality is in movement we trust. May the divine creator in each soul be allowed expression to Spring and emanate this cycle 2012-2013. Diversity is RICH.
A sacred focus and simple intent on balance as masters of energy may be of service. Faith, willingness and flexibility will be key with so many drummers rattlers, and singers on our planet. ho! As old paradigms fall, new spaces are opening. I will create with the Medicine Circle of 8 and Council of 8 (Infinity). This also symbolizes an equal inner and outer focus for balance...Still Point.
Guides have suggested that 2012 is a year of cohesion...a time of coming together and working as a whole. This will push or agitate old constructs based on survival, isolation, arrogance and the like to the surface of awareness. We see this in ourselves, others and worlds. As we are all reflections of each other... cohesion...Love glue is welcomed! These are times when enemies are realized as friends and vica versa till all is perceived beyond good/bad labels and we discover ways to work together. whew..quite the alignment. Albeit only a few may come together in sacred ways and focus , it is quality not quantity that assists in raising vibrations with Earth/Sky. Further, we may discover new qualities in ourselves this cycle that are ready to burst/rebirth to shine, create and be shared for a benevolent world.
Affirmations (sacred prayers) for balance, inspired creative expressions, and peace on this Equinox.
Thank you for receiving and sharing your Self with us here Now.
Blessings with balance,