Sat. Sept. 22.
Time: 4:00-6:30 pm
Where: Eldorado 40 Silver Saddle Rd
Click for Google Map
Greetings to All,
It has been awhile since I have communicated via this format as well as coming together to share with a group. It seemed as soon as I would make a plan, Life would shift, sometimes dramatically, and Spirit would inspire other movements/directions. Are you experiencing the same? For example, I was going to NY to work at the end of May and then got turned 180 degrees (at the airport) and ended up on the West coast working with Mt. Tamalpais and then Mt Shasta and its inner city Telos. Soon after returning, incoming frequencies (that we all were/are experiencing) were nearly overwhelming. I was quite physically exhausted and altered...as it is...
After "being" with such expansion of "field vibrations", I then was requested to create a "work" with our Earth Moon that also involved Saturn's Moon Titan. This was requested at Summer Solstice timing. I was inspired to not create a Solstice Sacred Ceremony for the first time in many many years. It was quite a challenging and fascinating process, journey and co-creation. The wake of its dynamic was potent, unsettling, inspiring and so intimate. I allowed "time to sit on the mountain" to be with multi-dimensions and connections with human/physical and otherworldly/formless. I will be sharing some of these experiences on Fall Equinox Circle in Santa Fe and my incoming travels to NYC and areas.
A Sacred Space for Fall Equinox Grid/Activation 2012
Equinoxes are grid alignments with energy for balance in a horizontal active expression. Spring Equinox associated with planting anew and Fall Equinox an honoring for letting go. The period of time from this Equinox to Solstice 2012 portends to have a potent activation in our individual and collective Consciousness of evolution. It wise to gather together to express and open to shifts in our consciousness to allow support. How we re-balance or navigate this evolutionary timing phase will have great impact on our physical forms, mind sets, emotions, feelings and expanded vibrational "fields" that we are all realizing. It is most wise to honor with sacredness this Equinox for CHANGES here and NOW to flow in this what feels uncertain and ambient. It is perfect.
This Sacred Equinox Circle will explore:
- Human evolution is at the fulcrum point of Let Go. How this affects and effects our awareness.
- Exploring how the many paths are pointing to EMPTINESS/SPACE.
- Noticing "fall out" as attachments release and guidance to BE with.
- How reactions of shielding ourselves no longer serve.
- Creating space to "sit with" letting in and letting out as an exercise for clearing and clarity.
- Considering how interest may have changed. Looking at depression and meaninglessness with new "eyes".
- Noticing how our connections and communications are changing. 8. Exploring LOVE with no "objects" on our alters.
Let us come together and celebrate this auspicious timing in our human histories for letting go into an alive emptiness or as one master called "dazzling darkness." Our Earth and Sky grids will offer great support with our intention, attention, openness. This Equinox will set the tone for incoming frequencies to be absorbed through the Solstice and into Feb. 2013. Our ability of absorption is our empowerment! May we explore this together.
Santa Fe Fall Equinox Circle 2012 Information. A Sacred Circle will be created for our gathering on Sat. Sept. 22. Time: 4:00-6:30 pm. We will meet at Susan Magestro's new beautiful house on a hill with 360 degree views. This may be an inspired outer space to LET GO.
Please pass this on to friends and groups if it inspires. Thank You! Take 285 Exit into Eldorado Turn Right on Spur Ranch Road (past stop lights etc..about 2 miles)
The first Left is Silver Saddle
40 Silver Saddle Rd
(It is also easy to get there taking Old Las Vegas Highway...turn right at Cafe toward 25...follow straight thru 2 red lights (El dorado). A yellow sign with "Spur Ranch road" is in view as you are going up the hill. The house is not very far off the highway.
RSVP by email or phone 951 765-7507. Please pass this on to friends and groups if it inspires. Contact me a [email protected] or www.livingshaman.com
if you wish to be added or deleted from list.
Thank you for receiving, blessings and journey well,Lira