Reflections on Alaska Ring of Fire: Chapter 1
In an instant, I felt as if I was covered in a mound of earth. On key a small red squirrel initiated a high pitch chatter creating a rhythm. Guidance spoke that when the squirrel was silent the “sitting’ would be complete. The water birds and their medicine reflected the three pathways of travel walking, swimming and flying as I closed my eyes. A vision of a blue star with its far reaching spokes focused my attention and its Light touched my beingness from well defined spokes to blinding light. Then two piercing blue eyes were somewhat intimidating with such focused intensity. I dug my fingers into wet moss as electrical shocks moved through my form. Strange growling and other worldly sounds emitted. My face was grimacing while hands jumped out of soil for energy to move outward. I was aware some sort of earth guardian had merged. It became so intense along with squirrel chatter that I shoved my fingers back into the ground. Then a platinum river from above started to flow with a force like the rains.There was a black out in space and time. In an eternal moment, the squirrel ceased its chatter. I looked at time and realized she had chattered nonstop for 40 min.which is the longest time I have ever heard one chatter. I felt and saw a person coming down the path. She did not see me perched above. I felt a spirit bear totem in an embrace. This and grandfather cedar tree gave me a sense of strength with the depths and heights of vertical movement with this Platinum Chord vibration as well as peace and comfort with horizontal realm. I walked along the path till I came to a wooden bridge over a river feeding the lake. The gold reflected from brown stones in water with silver shimmering from reflective light excited my inner child’s exuberant voice “ It’s the platinum river”! I stood in the middle of the bridge feeling the river rush underneath. I imagined the platinum river now in horizontal movement. There was a sense of calm like no other. Perhaps, in those moments there was no “other”.
I am aware of the dynamics in receiving long emails. Therefore, I will send this communique in chapters sharing the other two sacred ceremonies as well as multi-dimensional reflections on this work with ring of fire. This was the initiation ceremony. I wanted to share my experience of what it “looked like” for me in connecting with frequencies. I will be sharing these gifts with those who come to participate in NY on my upcoming visit. This can give a glimpse of how others may connect as well with inner and outer space simultaneously. The energies and conscious connection build and require a few sittings. Spirit requests 3 for Alaska, Peru, and a mission work in NYC ! These reflections may help inspire more awareness of what I am bringing to share at this time.
Thank you for receiving, as this helps me to continue to sit with, bathe in the reflections, and integrate by sharing. After all chapters are sent, I would be most interested in any refections, insights, or experiences any of you may wish to share for us all.
Peace in loving,