Time: 6:30-9:30 pm
Exchange: $30
In her work called "Living," Lira will share some of her authentic experiences of her sacred journey of 17 years with Earth/Sky co-creations. Her calling came seemingly out of the blue and her initiations were activated, demanded and realized through ever deeper rabbit holes. "Sacred journeys" called her around the world often alone and sometimes requesting groups. Her voice is to inspire and encourage others to follow their intuition and to keep going through the storms and bliss, peaks and valleys. She will share in depth her recent mission to co-create with Earth's Moon & Saturn's Moon, and also how this may effect evolution in upcoming months. In the second part of the evening, she will share "Discovery Groups." She allows Spirit's expression in multi-dimesional formats such as tonal frequencies, channeling, meditations and emptiness as gateways to personal and collective awakening.
LIVING-cherry valley event
Unknown passages with wobbly legs and new found innocence need support. Frustrations, confusion, bottoms, lack of motivation may need support and wisdom to keep going. We are all feeling more, as our subtle bodies activate new cells, bodies and Life!
"Discovery Group" Workshop Meditation:
Saturday, Oct. 27, 3:00 - 5:30 pm; $25
Glensfoot farm house 857 Co Hwy 54. Past the Old School on the right
Individual Sessions:
Sunday, Oct. 28
1 hr. $100; 90 minutes $133
By Appointment - 11-4 pm