I wonder what this Equinox with its FIRE and celestial partners will activate on this astrological New Year as our Sun enters Aries on March 20 ? Since this Equinox is loaded with celestial and human triggers, it is a potent gateway to open w-i-d-e our hearts and minds 360 degrees, and then some! I see there is a radiance of new clear, nuclear star Light pulsing around this portal event with grids vibrating with more light intelligence. It is most wise to "sit" with the flame within and allow its natural radiance to work its magic so we do not "get burned". This Equinox feels like it has a" brilliant bright" quality with an ability to burn, purify, create and destroy with appropriateness. It is crystal clear we need to be awake, show up and stand and deliver for this cosmic earth human event. HO!
The Sun's movement into Aries, a Cardinal (commanding) fire sign of positive polarity transitioning from a negative polarity water sign of Pisces (and our old age paradigms) may combust a steam like affect; whereby, we need a clear focused inner vision from higher mind to "see" through the mists. We may easily lose our cherished ideas of identity with the eclipsing of the sun as shadow play for our benefit. Let us release our old clocks & cloaks for new energy ones that look and feel like a million. We can hold our heads high and feet grounded. Further, it is important to be clear as to one's will and center in the solar plexus of our being, as Ram charges headstrong & impulsive with Mars leading the action. Our considerations at this portal are with our personal will/willingness, and our relationship with Creators Will. If LIFE and our will are at odds we need to explore this. This is a time to feel deeply into our solar plexus (power and will issues) and work for clarity with our guidance.
Equinoxes (Spring & Fall) resonate with horizontal movement outward in the world. Solstices are vertical alignments within. If we are not clear what our heart feels nor what our mind's think, we can be ensnarled by our own or "others" agendas, including organizations control, acceptance and beliefs. That is, take nothing for granted. Continue to stay awake-to release habitual conditioning and beliefs not of our own creation. The old 3D paradigms of impulsive reactivity may be very problematic and self destructive. This can set us way back and we do not need to "go there". Vibrations may clash like Titans while paths or train tracks move away from each other on separate tracks...that is, higher and lower dimensions pulling away from each other. This is a initiating gateway that may change our destiny personally, collectively and planetary. This is where our mastery will be noted, challenged and revealed. We will make decisions and choices or they will be made for us.
Endings and Beginnings can no longer be ignored, procrastinated nor indulged as more wreckage for future generations to clean up. Time applications are accelerating and I feel we need to also "step it up" to be in alignment with our planet and cosmic community. How we demonstrate our integrity for changes in attitudes and actions over the next years 2015-2017 will have a great impact on our creations. Owning and directing our light, love and power has never been so important. We might quest: "Are we choosing our thoughts, our emotions, our words and our actions to create a Reality that we truly are inspired to play in?" If we default to the old unconscious program then...oops...a l-o-n-g-e-r denser journey in limitation and separation may also be created as we are under the umbrella of free will. Clearing layers of distortion may be simple yet, certainly not easy. This is our calling. Let us support each one choosing this path!
The choices will reveal the nature, strength and rhythm of our BALANCE. This is always a key theme at both Fall and Spring Equinoxes. Rhythm and timing are very important to feel into this Equinox, as we grow in maturity and leave our "training wheels" behind. So it is an awkward and sometimes uncomfortable, quirky energy, as we explore a whole new way to balance. Some are feeling and finding new ways with new vehicles as our consciousness changes our bodies follow. Some may be having body symptoms along with perceptual shifts. Go easy. Our balancing will show our growth with fluidity or lack of growth with rigidity in any given moment. Breathe. Surrender. This portal is an optimal opportunity for revealing layers of our soul's infusion into form; our male female integration; and how we are radiating ... Now! As we move through portals consciously there is no turning back even when we feel we are going backwards. Don't panic or judge .... keep going slowly. We may be readjusting with our alignments and learning not to be controlled by our conditioning .
This seasonal Spring/Fall Equinox shows us cosmic signs to pay attention to. Major influences color this Equinox gateway. A New Moon/Solar Eclipse preempts this show. Wow!! This sets up the first bookend for April 4 Total Lunar Eclipse. It is the 3rd Blood Moon. The 4th and final one will be Sept. 28, 2015. March 16 & 17 is the 7th & last drumbeat of the Uranus and Pluto Square activation that has been beating since 2012. These configurations will have lasting impact for days, years, decades to come. So let us be AWARE with fresh eyes and senses so we may co-create with these forces. I am not an astrologer. There has been much written and spoken of these celestial alignments worthy of imbibing from leading new paradigm astrologers and channels alike. I am bringing forth questions, musings, visions and writings from a shamanic/nature orientation of Living and from a visionary one through my connections with Earth/Sky/Self.
Gaia, the subtle Kingdoms, the Archangels and the angelic realms all sound forth a passionate plea to humanity. Now present time shakes, rattles and rolls for each soul to take the mantle of communication, as was intended to BE. May we respond with demonstrated actions, as stewards, guardians, and way showers. Re-member to speak and listen to Mother Earth, elementals, crystal beings, Arch Angels and all Spirit guides. Listen and speak each day. Be useful with IMAGINATION and vision. Act as if, pretend, believe in make believe to anchor vision and communication as moment to moment practice. It is up to us all. No one can do it for us and yet we are not alone. Re-member our perceptions are shifting. Appearances only can be deceiving....things are not what they seem on the surface...look deeper " :-)
Journey well In Joy and laughter with Falls and Springs in our dancing steps on this New Moon/Solar Eclipse Equinox!
I am inspired and excited to share my visionary journey that was guided at the winter solstice 2014. I was requested to "seed" a specific energy for Gaia's New Earth. I feel the "seeding" may began sprouting. I look forward to any feed back or reflections. Thank you for Being here Now.
Follow your own Flow to the link below :-)
Vision of Seeding E.Den with Blue Lions______