2011 Spring Equinox
Mar 28, 2011
How are each of you experiencing the clarity, potency, and shift of energy created with Full Moon Essence and Equinox Gateway that was preceded by 9th Wave/Underworld? Wow. We need to consciously direct this super powerful energy! To me it has been a spiral of expansion that feels like plugging into something not only unknown; yet, also, without concern to identify. I have watched ego(s) play games to justify "old grooves" (including my own). This is our push/pull challenge to be attentive to by over riding our egos. All gateway guardians only respond to Love from an Awareness that has filed the old groove down to open new pathways... Consciousness is asking us to not only "think outside the box" but also to take actions and risks beyond our comfort zone. Egos will contract and defend it comfort zones by spouting its "known ledge". This is not only nonproductive (stuck mental concepts); it will be destructive for our inate well being. It is OK to chatter at the edge of the Void ... It is the way to shower one's blessings. I feel and see the river is moving with a new current and swiftly. The call to create, stand and deliver comes from the underworld like beauty and the beast with no holes barred. It is time for All to Be and Share our gifts Now! So what is stopping us? "What is it that you know that you really, really, really don't want to know?" Adyashanti
Our hu-man beingness, Mother Earth and Universes need our courage to bring our gifts forward even if we do not know all the pieces. Discover your "juice" and follow its "force that through the green fuse drives the flower". Never have such gifts been so needed. Our reflective world speaks for itself. It calls out for Hu-man Creators to come forth.
When great changes come, often our human (physical, emotional, mental) aspects feel overwhelmed. It is wise for us to raise our vibrations. Then to ask "What is most important?" How is One connected to Source.? What happens when the greater Being is Master and ego becomes servant? What does it feel like to "sit" in the "seat"... or surrender? What is our service
How are we creating as magnificent beings? Are we giving our powers away to humans and/or non humans? Are we calling in entities for energy/power/messages/wisdom etc. without resourcing our own? Are the names and masks of gods more important than our own? Are we giving others our powers and responsibilities because we feel too small to BE CREATORS in our own right? Do we give our financial or physical well being into the hands of others without co-creating? It is wise to be alert to subconscious coming to the surface to be cleared now. BE AWARE! We can support each other and co-create in empowered, encouraging, enthusiastic and supportive ways.
I am in NYC and available for individual sessions thru Mar. 29.
Sacred New Moon Ceremony/Playshop for support to direct personal power and energy. This will be Sunday, April 3 in New Mexico at Santa Fe soul Center. www.santafesoul.com (for more info)
I am available for phone sessions.
I am working on a new website and will be changing my email. Updates soon to follow.
Thank you All for being on Gaia in salutation to our central star,Sol..our Sun. May we fulfill our own prophecy as "children of the sun" shinning the Light though the gateways past, present,and future. So it is. HO!
Blessings and journey well,