This morning I experienced a download form Galactic Council/Consciousness that I feel is important to share. We are now at the mid point of eclipse cycle with July 2 a Solar Eclipse and July 16 a Lunar Eclipse. This last Eclipse was one of the most intense gateways I have experienced in sometime with levels of high anxiety and incomprehensible fears vibrating through my body and being ness. I breathing(barely) made it through the high sensitivities,anxieties and alerts in the following days. After the second earthquake in California at 7.2, I began releasing and realizing the impacts of this quake as my body too began to ease a bit more. Today it was revealed that the use of negative sound technology that was referenced to me as "sound of Jericho" technology had been used to create earthquakes, fear and destruction through the plates and attempting to use the planetary grids. This technology was used in Atlantis. This will not be allowed to create such apocalyptic havoc as it did in the days and gates of the demise of Atlantis. Today New Sound Codes came through to OVER RIDE these frequencies. I also saw, felt and participated in the purging of this abuse from the earth grids and Mother Earth Herself as we continue to activate with higher timelines or the Law of Love and 4th density.Now I can feel why this body was so activated and many of you may have felt some versions of this as well.
For the last few days, I have been shown crystal platforms above our planet and solar system. There has been communications with galactic star ships with benevolent resonance, orbs, solar discs and the like that have been in service for our dimensional shift; however, what seemed new were these crystal platforms. At any rate, these seem too, at this time to be supporting the crystal girds above and beloved to anchor in these new "sound light" codes to override this destructive technology recently employed in earthquake activity. There is support here and yet this is also a heads up to awake, alert and alive to bring forth what heightens your vibratory experience here and now. Very specific sound codes is what I am receiving. Starlight bearers are given different metaphors, symbols, sigals, numbers, imagery and the like to anchor with their own authenticity and sovereignty for benevolent service. Therefore I have felt guided to share some placement imagery energy of crystalline light frequencies to support our beloved Mother Earth/Sophia Gaia/Terra Nova E.Den as this juncture in our evolution and eclipse window as these earth changes reveal...
My experience has been that of a great influx of downloads since the Full Moon before the Solstice and now we are nearing the next Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse and last moon cycle of the 13 moons before we begin a new 13 moon cycle and Galactic New Year on July 26 with Mayan calendrical grid focus. I have been working with, correlating and co-creating with the councils of 7, 13 and 8 from the days and gates of Atlantis/Lemuria for over 2 decades. My focus/guidance has been to bring these councils and crystals grids together as One so that Atlantis does not have to PLAY OUT again! And therefore, we can create on a New Crystal Platform!
I feel inspired to share with you imagery energy for your own energy, explorations, discovery and empowerments. I see the blue whales (who are also changelings) toning into our waters and vibrating with the new sound light codes anchoring in. Theses are also in harmony with Dolphins, Mer peoples/Lemurians and Dragon (changelings ) as well. ALL long stores for another venue but for now I will continue. Imagine with magic and play to resonate with these beings and frequencies of inner and middle earths. These also resonant with our collective subconscious memories and our Melin Magician within raises its wand with timeline and shaeshifts hu man ability again!
The next strata I see as middle connector for above and below are the the 12 mile high Blue Lionesses that have been useful as guardians for New Earth. These are angelic mysterious guardians for earth and human beings of very high frequencies and hold 12 strands DNA/RNA, 12 sacred streams of Gaia, 12 Tribes of divine Human and the like to co-create with councils of 12 in various vibratory fields of perception that are both individual and collective for our growth in evolving spirals. I see these Blue Lionesses also as place holders/connectors for the Solar, Galactic and Great Central Sun codes, waves, Intel, rays, etc communicating with us and our planet as we are invited to our "seats" as Galactic citizens. Although this has been being presented to us and through us for decades, I feel its potency, closeness, need and even changing dynamics in new ways now. Yet, clearly those who want to control the earth with negative programing are desperately wanting to play out Atlantis again with technologies, fears and mind control. I do not feel that this will be successful; however, I do feel it is a call to step up to the plate and feel the Love and Freedom to anchor in new Majik and codes. Sound is powerful and useful now. Our voices, bowls, flutes, drums, chimes, chants, intentions, sound codes, languages of Light and more... are eager to sound forth and resound across the crystal grids overriding suffering and destructive old programming Now!
The imagery energy for the last level has been communicating to me through the new sound light codes from the crystal platforms from Thoth (high priest of Atlantis and guardian of the master crystal skull of 13 at the ruby crystal temple in Bermuda Triangle) and the Blue Avians. So quite the array from blue whales through blue lionesses to blue sky birds a harmonic choir SINGS. Again we are being asked to take responsibility with the batons to be Stewarts of our planet and give to Her our sound prayers during this eclipse window. To make sacred our common ground is vital in order to anchor in divine human blueprints ... another dialogue.
May we come together during this eclipse window in our own unique spaces and places with our metaphors, gifts and passion to Love and sing our bodies electric and our earth grids magnetic. Some of our attention and focus on Southern California is appropriate now if it calls you. The next quake is predicted around July 11. Let's tone into the the earth. "We are here. We are with you. We are One". So it is and shall it be blessed. Eclipsing One and All. We are Tribe.
A Poem: I Am Tribe
by Lyran 7/4/19
When child I was so young
and placed rocks on top of each other
for a deep connection as tower temple;
and with the spirit of dirt, rock, sky, sister, neighbor
I realized as my fingers spread
through the dirts and rocks of the earth,
I Am Tribe.
When I lost
my darkness and light,
I could not feel any of the
trillion reflections bouncing off
the pores
the eyes of my skin...I surrendered
Crawling into holes
digging deeper
pulling rocks out of the ground
like when I was so 4.
I did not light a candle
in this grey labyrinth,
as I knew it would mirror a trillion reflections
and shatter my night vision;
that moved and crawled like an earth worm
transmuting the burial grounds
the memories, the ghosts
till the past burned and churned to a halt
and sat in the seat down
half smiling half frowning.
I AM Tribe
I come. I come. I come
together with the many and the one
as council
as beholder
as station.
Train whistle sounds it's calling.
After I gave death to
that which did not want to weave,
I saw from above and below
a willingness to communicate
to many other hoops and tribes,
the chronicles of Earth and Sky.
Mother Father.
Each holding it's own as I AM
as I Am Tribe
to behold with equality
other as lover
as tribe.
After being alone for a million years,
I found Her.
Her council inside
and now I fly like birds under water
resounding with songs unknown
recording chronicles for
orphans and tribes
together again.
We are Tribe.